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Moje ime je Sophie Hugon, imam 32-godine, dolazim iz Belgije i radim kao fotoreporterka. Po struci sam inženjerka šumarstva, ali posljednje 2 godine radim kao profesionalna fotografkinja. Moje radove širom Evrope i svijeta distribuira francuska agencija Hans Lucas.

Od kada sam prisustvovala konferenciji o uticaju mina na gazdovanje šumama u Bosni i Hercegovini , tražila sam više informacija o historiji zemlje i posljedicama rata. Iako se ovaj sukob se dogodio na evropskom teritoriju, u medijima se ne govori mnogo o posljedicama i izazovima sa kojima se stanovništvo suočava u postratnim godinama.

Zbog toga bih željela da kroz fotografiju dokumentujem i ističem neke od ovih posljedica.

Ideja ovog projekta je upoznavanje i fotografisanje ljudi koji su nakon rata stradali od mina. Željela bih pokazati da svi mogu biti pogođeni ostacima rata, tako da tražim ljude različitih profila (djeca, tinejdžeri, odrasli, stariji, žene, muškarci, ljudi koji žive u urbanim sredinama, na selu itd. .).

U praksi, željela bih provesti s vama 1-2 dana i pratiti vas u vašim aktivnostima kako bih ilustrovala vaš svakodnevni život, posljedice vaših povrede i kako se nosite s njima. Naravno, željela bih odvojiti neko vrijeme i za razmjenu sa vama o vašem životu, izazovima s kojima se suočavate itd.

Projekat je planiran za ljeto 2024. godine i sa mnom će biti neko iz Bosne i Hercegovine za prevod.

U nastavku možete pronaći nacrt sinopsisa projekta:

Odjeci rata u Bosni i Hercegovini

“Nagazne mine su okrutno oruđe rata. Decenijama nakon što se sukobi završe, ove nevidljive ubice tiho leže u zemlji, čekajući da ubiju i osakate.” – Kofi Anan

Od završetka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini 1995. godine, više od 1.000 ljudi je ranjeno, a 600 ubijeno od mina postavljenih tokom sukoba. Proces deminiranja je skup i dugotrajan. Dragocjeno vrijeme prolazi a civili i dalje trpe posljedice prošlosti.

U aprilu 1992.  godine, zvanično je izbio rat koji je trajao tri godine. Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini je okončan 14. decembra 1995. potpisivanjem Dejtonskog sporazuma. Ovaj rat je prouzročio više od 100 000 smrtnih slučajeva i 2 miliona izbjeglica. Obzirom da su zaraćene strane u velikom broju koristile mine, Bosna i Hercegovina je postala jedna od zemalja sa najvećom količinom mina na svijetu. Danas oko 75 000 nagaznih mina pokriva 860 km² (oko 1,5% zemlje) i 15% stanovništva je izloženo opasnosti.

Istražimo ovaj problem kroz priče različitih ljudi stradalih od mina nakon rata, pričajmo o posljedicama ovih nesreća te prilagođavanju novim životima.

Ukoliko želite  da podijelite svoju priču sa mnom, možete mi poslati e-mail na

Radujem se našem susretu,

Želim vam ugodan dan,


Ako vas zanima moj fotografski rad, možete konsultovati:
– moja stranica na Hansu Lucas portalu:
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Post-war consequences of landmines in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sophie Hugon_portrait-md-1-modified_300x300


My name is Sophie Hugon, a 32 years-old Belgian woman working as a photojournalist. I am a trained forest engineer but for the last 2 years, I’ve been working as a professional photographer. My work is distributed across Europe and the world by the French Agency Hans Lucas.

Since I have attended a conference on the consequences of landmines on forest management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I have been searching for more information on the history of the country and the consequences of the war. This conflict happened on the European territory, but since the war ended, the media are quite silent on the aftermath and the challenges that the population faces.

That’s why I would like to start to document and highlight some of these consequences through photography. 

The idea of this project is to meet and photograph people that have been injured by landmines after the war.  I would like to show that anybody can be affected by the remnants of the war, so I am looking for people with different profiles (kids, teenagers, adults, elderly, women, men, people living in urban areas, in rural areas, etc.).

Practically, I would like to stay with you 1 or 2 days and follow you in your activities to illustrate your daily life, what are the consequences of your injury and how do you cope with it. And of course, taking the time to exchange with you about your life, the challenges you are facing, etc. 

The project is planned for summer 2024 and I will be accompanied by someone from Bosnia and Herzegovina for the translation.

You will find below the draft synopsis of the project:

Bosnian war’s echoes

“Landmines are cruel instruments of war. Decades after conflicts have receded, these invisible killers lie silently in the ground, waiting to murder and maim.” – Kofi Annan

Since the end of the Bosnia and Herzegovina War in 1995, more than 1,000 people have been injured and 600 killed by landmines laid during the conflict. Demining is expensive and time-consuming. It is a precious time during which civilians continue to suffer the consequences of the past.

In April 1992, the War, which lasted three years, officially broke out. It ended on 14 December 1995 with the signing of the Dayton Agreements. It caused more than 100 000 deaths and 2 million refugees. As mines were used in large numbers, Bosnia and Herzegovina became one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. Today, some 75 000 landmines cover 860 km² (around 1,5% of the country) and 15% of the population is exposed to the danger.

Let’s discover this scourge through the stories of different people injured by mines after the War, the consequences of these accidents and their adaptation to their new lives

 If this project resonates and that you want to share your story with me, don’t hesitate to send me an email at

I am looking forward to meeting you,

Wishing you a lovely day,


If you are curious about my photography work, you can consult:
– my page on Hans Lucas:
– my webiste:
– my Instagram account:
– My Facebook page: